How to audit proof your remote care management programs
No one wants to be audited, but if your practice is audited – you want to be ready. Readiness requires you to have good, accurate data – that’s easily available.

How to audit proof your organization
No one wants to be audited, but if your practice is audited – you want to be ready. Readiness requires you to have good, accurate data – that’s easily available. Automating your remote care management programs will benefit your practice, and allow providers to focus on their patients, rather than program details. If you want to run your own remote care management programs, here’s how to make yourself audit proof:
There are key elements of a remote care encounter that must be tracked accurately for a successful program:
- Automated time tracking
- Detailed documentation
- Accurate remote device reporting
These can be tedious to track, and often are unintentionally inaccurate when done manually by the provider for each interaction. With automation and seamless integration with the EHR, you can easily track this data and make your practice audit proof. To make your remote care programs audit proof, automate your workflow from start to finish.
Automate your workflow from start to finish
Time tracking
Remote care management has certain time requirements (per code) for accurate billing. Tracking time with patients to accurately meet remote care requirements – and to be audit proof down the road is important. Many practices are not automated with handwritten, rounded up moments for each interaction – 5 min here, 5 min there. This is neither fully accurate nor audit proof – and puts a burden on providers to remember to track and to remember to enter data. A good automated system will automatically track time as each remote care patient/provider interaction begins – ensuring not only that the time is always tracked, but also that time totals are always available and always accurate – down to the seconds. This is important for billing accuracy and programmatic management.
Patient encounters tracking
Patient encounters often are not tracked efficiently – especially when they’re not automated into a comprehensive program or system. Some practices do “encounter” forms to track the content of the remote care management interaction, but these often get mixed in with other clinical “encounters” or lost when done manually or with poor systems. A lot of practices do not have a great way to track remote care management encounters, making it difficult to pull accurate data in the event of billing, reporting or an audit – let alone for patient monitoring and the best patient care. When you track each patient encounter, you want a system that automatically tracks each time a provider and patient connect. Once the system or EHR is opened for the remote care appointment, an encounter should automatically be noted and tracked, allowing the provider to focus on the patient rather than paperwork – and know the encounter is still being noted. Strong automated systems with good tracking, set your program up for quick and easy reporting – allowing your practice to analyze patient data, and be prepared for any audits. Not having to think about each bit of encounter data – not only allows the provider to focus only on the patient, but makes things easier for the practice as everything is automatically tracked for your own data analysis, reporting and auditing requirements.
Remote patient device data collection and reporting accuracy
A lot of practices have patients collecting/reading and then sending in their remote device data – via text, manually, leaving a message or in some other manner that relies heavily on human timeliness and accuracy, which even with the best intentions can be inaccurate. Updated, ongoing care depends on this reporting, and the data coming in can be spotty. Also, receiving a patchwork of data collected for the provider, makes it harder to enter and track data in an accurate or timely way and creates a further burden on the practice. With a well-designed, automated remote care management system – you can focus on patient care and know that your devices and programs will run efficiently and effectively – providing better care and accurately tracking patient data due to the efficiency and effectiveness in the care provided. With an automated system, patient data is automatically fed into the patient’s record from their device, allowing you to count on accurate, up to the minute data, red flag notifications and long-term patient trend tracking.
High quality, well designed and automated systems, allow patients to focus on their health instead of data collection, and providers to focus on the patient and their care, instead of worrying about data reporting. Having these robust systems in place will help you make your practice audit proof, but also worst case scenario – audit ready.
Billing and Compliance information also is important data to automate and track to ensure your practice is audit proof. However, if the three key areas discussed here are automated, tracked and analyzed correctly, your billing and compliance will be in order too. With comprehensive automation you have highly tracked, analyzed and reporting data at your fingertips.
Automate your workflows → Comprehensive data = Audit proof your practice
Power up your practice with Medsien
If you want some help and expertise in moving your practice towards automation, Medsien can help you automate your workflow from start to finish. Medsien is the leading provider of scalable remote care management, and we have sophisticated, easy to use, turnkey systems that make your remote care management audit proof.
Our solutions:
- track all time with precision and accuracy
- track every interaction
- ensure all data flows are accurate because there is no manual/human data entry
Scale with automation and secure your success
Secure your success with Medsien’s automated processes:
- Achieve efficiency and effectiveness with seamless EHR integration.
- With features ranging from eligibility reports to automated tracking, compliance and billing – Medsien’s EHR integration streamlines workflows, saves time, reduces errors and enhances the entire experience.
- Patient eligibility identification for all remote care management programs
- Simplified user experience with real-time dashboards and analytics
- Comprehensive billing portal with automatic reconciliation
- Ensure compliance and make your practice audit proof.
Medsien’s automated processes help ensure compliance – our rigorous compliance process ensure security, privacy and regulatory compliance for all interactions – including, HIPAA compliance, patient consents, insurance verification, recorded calls and tracking that ensures an audit trail.
From program enrollment to everyday care management, Medsien streamlines your entire operations with automated tracking, reporting and billing. Using ongoing activity automation, Medsien’s platform automatically tracks and logs all the activities performed by our care team and generates detailed reports directly in your EHR system. At the end of every month, Medsien creates and processes claims with appropriate codes so billing is a breeze. Medsien remote care management programs focus on a very human experience, without human error. Learn more about how Medsien ensures compliance & peace of mind.
About Medsien
Medsien is the leading provider of scalable remote care management for a quality patient experience. Hundreds of organizations trust Medsien’s unparalleled technology solutions to implement exceptional remote care management programs, personalize every interaction, and improve the lives of the people who need it most. Based in San Francisco and venture-backed by top-tier investors, Medsien was founded to reimagine remote care management. Visit for more information.
About Medsien
Medsien is the leading provider of scalable remote care management for a quality patient experience. Hundreds of organizations trust Medsien’s unparalleled technology solutions to implement exceptional remote care management programs, personalize every interaction, and improve the lives of the people who need it most. Medsien was founded to reimagine remote care management.
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